Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Bear markets, like bait and switch salesmen come and go. The question is, has it COME?
Many of my stocks ran up and rolled over. SDRL which I held, and BTU .

Sunday, October 19, 2014

It's the END TIMES

The Stock market is a dangerous place for your money. There maybe a better place to be, to live . If you wait you will need Gold to bribe border guards.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Buy it when Nobody Wants Peabody..

"I read this and thought this is a step but when will it take hold, gain traction.......... buy the falling knife or put your money in to stuff you can sell on craigs list? " 

Peabody Urges Greater Use Of Advanced Coal Globally To Fight Energy Poverty And Improve Emissions

CNW Group 
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 26, 2014 /CNW/ -- During a week of heightened discussion about carbon and climate, Peabody Energy (BTU) today called for greater use of advanced coal to fight energy inequality and improve emissions.