Friday, November 22, 2013

Traders Joke : Buy low sell High

Let's think about that. I save you some time.It ain't easy over the long term......I had a system once and turned 500 into 1000. Real money. I took a year. I was up to 1499 and lost 300 in one day.....I retired from the market for a while.

I have seen the mind set of a poor gambler.......the road to the welfare office is littered with them.....millions can't pull it off. Why?

One reason money flows to the quick and the smart.
Over the long haul. on the short term, that's easy sometimes....the long haul requires more. I'm looking for it. You can watch.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

TCS is it a buy and hold?



on 11/19/13
TCS VS S&P 500 (SPY)


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Did you ride it down? I did. Will it go below 100. I don't know but people are

Watch the RSI.

We got a bounce but is it time to back up our Kramer truck? Dec will be a good
month to WATCH.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stock Watcher

I bought this stock and it doubled... today it was down about 8%.....                           closed down about 6.2%

The Stock: DDD, three D printing. The stock has been going up, fast.

I believe if it doesn't fall a total of 10% I will
ride it. Otherwise I will sell.

Not that I know any thing. I 'm not a pro just like to watch. This is the link to the stock.